Monogram - Final Project

11:00 AM

For our final project, we were to create a monogram based on our initials. As of my initials, it would be 'H' and 'I'. Here are a few sketches of my potential monograms (not all of them since I did not take pictures of the latest monograms I did).

 (And the final monogram I chose to proceed with is this one.)

The main reason why I chose this one is because personally, I am in love with the style minimalistic and I enjoy making simple but artistic art. I think this monogram explains my style very well therefore I have made a decision to use it out of the rest.

After I had chose my monogram, I began making the 5 items requested. I chose to do on Stamp, T-shirt, Mug, Face Towel and Sticker for my chargers.

The reason why I chose to make my monogram into a stamp is because I find it convenient for my future uses. I could just stamp my monogram on paperworks or artwork that I have made to watermark it.

My monogram as a T-shirt is simple yet wearable on a daily basis. 

I have always wanted to make my very own custom-made mug to keep in my room and use it to drink my favourite hot drinks while doing work. Therefore, why don't I print my monogram on the mug? One of a kind and it matches my room's overall look. Its a 2-in-1 situation as it is decorative and useful.

The next item is a face towel. I tried to challenge myself by my monogram using hand embroidery technique on a face towel. It was not easy but I managed to finish it within my very tight schedule.
It matches my bathroom and also gives it a finish look decorative look.

Materials used: 
-Face towel
-Embroidery floss
-Embroidery hoop

Below are a few step-by-step progress pictures I took in-between doing the hand embroidery.

(Roughly sketching out the outline of my monogram using a 2B pencil and putting it in place with embroidery hoop).

(The chosen colours of embroidery floss)

(Halfway done with the monogram)

The very last item would be the stickers on my chargers. Majority of the people I know uses the same charger adapter and it can be confusing to know which one is mine and which is not. This is a solution I came out for the problem. Inputing my monogram stickers on my charger adapters will assure me that they will not get to the wrong hands.

Finally we were required to also make an A3 size poster of our monogram, making it into a decorative pattern. I chose to use only A3 size cartridge paper and gold acrylic paint I have already on hand as I do not like wasting materials and buying materials unnecessarily. It turns out really nice and I would frame this up in my room in the future. 

Overall, I am happy that we receive this as our final major project for 2D Design as I could use all these items daily. It makes me think even more deeply as how I want to present myself through a simple monogram and show how I like to do my work as an artist.

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