Project 3: SUPERlair - Secret Caccoon

11:40 PM

For this project, I started off by researching buildings inspired by nature. From there I shortlisted to the buildings that resembled a few of my key words (Multiply, Colony & Protective). The buildings are 'Urban Skyfarm', 'Spiralling Skyscrapers' and Larchmont Lotus Building.

Urban Skyfarm

- Design as a giant tree, the urban skyfarm composed of numerous decks with the shape of leaves that make room for planting real trees.
- Vertical crops are becoming increasingly popular in Chicago, Kyoto and Singapore.
- For example, there already exist ultra-efficient systems that use artificial light to give life to what it's called 'urban farming'.
- This project provides ability to plant 5000 fruit trees, rely on solar panels and give access to "spaces for planting" in large urban centres.
- The test city would be Seoul in South Korea, due to rapid urbanisation of the city in recent years.
- To solve environmental problems resulting from urbanisation.

Key word(s) related to the building;
- Multiply

Spiralling Skyscraper
[Inspired by: Mangrove Trees]

- The Mangal city concept design team Chimera is modelled after the complex eco-system created by the mangrove tree.
- "The mangrove plant and its collective the mangal, provide example of social associative principal as well as structural capacities and hybrid responses to environmental and contextual conditions." - The Designers

Key word(s) related to the building;
- Multiply
- Colony

Larchmont Lotus Building

Project: Larchmond Lotus
By: XP & Architecture
Status: Unbuilt

- Larchmont Lotus, a medical centre in Los Angeles has been competed with a wrapper designed by XP & Architecture.
- The architect designs a cover that serves two design purposes at once;
  • Cooling the building
  • Image improvement of the medical centre
- As the sun moves throughout the day, the facade adjust its metal leaves to regulate the internal temperature of the building.
- The lotus leaf has the amazing property of self-cleaning through its superhydrophobic micro-nanostructural surfaces.

Key word(s) related to the building;
- Multiply
- Protective

After doing my research on these buildings, I started making rough sketches on how I want to design the form.

Initially I wanted to make my form inside a hill. Therefore for site location, I chose the hillside. The hillside is also perfect for my superhero because she is down to earth and also enjoy activities that enables her to work close with nature.

The activities that I chose are suitable with the building and site which is gardening, researching and meditating.

But after much consideration, my form was not suitable as it does not have the same language with my abstract model and inspiration. Therefor I changed my form design that is more inspired to my 3D abstract model.

The first mock up

Second mock up

Third mock up

Slight adjustments from the third mock up

More adjustments from the third mock up

Fifth mock up
After I did the fifth mock  up, I encountered some problems with the form design. There wasn't much ventilation in it therefor I changed my final model. My final model's name is ETHESA. The scale I used was 1:25.

Elevation View

Zoomed - in detail

The model can be lifted up from the site

Top view

Presentation Board


During the whole semester, I learned so many new things that was foreign and new to me until I tried to piece everything that I have learned into this final project. It's not perfect but I am trying my best to improve myself even further as I am very passionate about this course and willing to strive to get better marks and learn/explore even more as there is always room for improvement. From this assignment, I also learned the importance of designing a living space for a person and the greatest ways to use up as much space for the appropriate activities. Lastly, I would not have come this far if it wasn't for my beloved lecturers and classmates for their endless support, advices and encouragement through out the whole semester. I am truly grateful for everyone.

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