[IDP II] Assignment 1

11:43 AM

Through this assignment, I was able to understand more about the concept of light. Light, in
natural or artificial form, are able to create various forms of visuals that creates harmonious
imageries. The images formed are able to create their own unique characteristics, temperatures,
intensities and emotions which are observed by our senses and consequently create perceptions
of the environment.

In the first series, the intensity of light from the sun in the evening depicts the temperature
of natural light. The sunsets illustrates different gradients of colours, gradually changing with time
and density of clouds in the surroundings, thus, creating a natural lighting with diverse shades and
hues of colour making each sunset of each day different from the yesterdays. Although the source
of light was not clearly visible the intensity of colour hues are strong. The artwork represents the
ever-changing gradient of colours in the series of photos. The indefinite shapes of each colours are
used to depict the shifting shapes of clouds.

The second series illustrates the emotional ambiance that can be created with artificial
light. Using LED lighting from a table lamp and an air diffuser, the balance of dark and light is
manipulated to produce a variety of images that gives out a mysterious vibe for visible vapour of
water. For the artwork, I’ve used cotton pads to represent the water vapour and a battery operated
LED light. The cotton pads was the closest material to signify the water vapour as its fibre can be
easily transformed.

The third and final series is the natural form of light (sun), which appears in the form of rays
of light as it is blocked by the clouds and buildings in its path. Sunlight peeks through the clouds
creating rays of light in its place, demonstrating a powerful source of energy. For the artwork,
flower-shaped sculptures made from air dry clay is to represent the clouds. The positions are
scattered and of different sizes just like the clouds to show variety. Colours used are warm colours
such as red, orange and yellow. These colours represent the rays of sunlight, dispersing in radial

In conclusion, the way lighting acts can change the spatiality, the atmosphere and the
visibility. The lit environment deals with brightness, shadows, lighting distribution, colour and many
other aspects that influence our visual experience and plays with our mood.

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