Model Construction [Mat Footing]

11:54 PM

For this class activity, we were to get in our usual grouping and create a replica structure of a building out of plasticine and paper. Like how we would build a structure, we used the plasticine as the columns, beam and etc. As for the reinforcements, we rolled up papers to replicate steel bars.

So the first thing that we did was dividing the task so that it will be easier to standardise the size for every part such as the columns, beams and foundation. To make the columns the same size, what me and Ilana did was first making 6 equal sized balls then shaped it to columns using a steel ruler. We have also used this method to create the beams.

Making 6 balls to be shaped as columns

The column making in progress

The technique we used to shape the columns from the plasticine balls

Meanwhile, Sarah made the foundation by rolling it out flat first then cut it to shape. She made two of these.

The next step would be making the reinforcement steel bars out of paper. How do we do that? We first take the recycled paper that Ms Sharon has passed to us and start tearing them to smaller pieces. Afterwards, we rolled and twisted the paper thinly to form the shape of a rod. Then we secure it by covering the whole rod with tape.

After we have done the "reinforcement steel bars", we begin inserting the paper bars into the columns, each with extra paper sticking out on both side so we could insert onto the foundation easily.

Side View

Top View

Now it is time to put together the parts we made! We placed the foundation first, then insert the columns one by one into its designated position. After the columns has been placed, in goes the beams and another foundation to top it all off. 

Inserting the columns to the foundation

Inserting the beams

Topping it off with another foundation

And here is the finished model!

Front View

Top View
Okay so from what I have learn from this activity, I learned how every part is important and we should not do it carelessly. We made a few mistakes which is the placement of the beams and we forgot to insert reinforcements in the foundation itself. That is why our structure looked slightly off and unbalanced. From these mistakes, I had a better understanding on the structures and hopefully I won't be repeating the same mistakes we did while making this structure. Although it is a short activity for us to have a better understanding of the structure, I still had lots of fun and it was very refreshing compared to learning by reading through notes only.

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