Project 2B: Ergonomics & Anthropometrics - 12 Daily Activities

12:16 AM

So for this assignment, we had to sketch out a minimum of 12 daily activities of us interacting with the furniture in our house. To be frank, I don't do anything much in my house since I'm always in my room but the activities I listed down is what I do to kill time when I'm at home with no assignments to do. 

12 anthropometrics figure sketches of my daily activities
Sleeping on my bed
- Well majority of my time is spent on the bed basically. Its either I just lie on the bed, sit on the bed, do work on the bed or sleep on the bed. The bed is where I start my day and end my day with.

Brushing my teeth
- To start off my morning after I wake up, I'll immediately go to my bathroom and brush my teeth first.

Hanging my towel
- After showering, of course I will always hang my towel so it can get air dried and to be used for a couple more times before my towel get sent to the washing machine.

Choosing clothes
- Ah, the most difficult time of my morning. Every morning I will always face the problem of what to wear for the day. I'll spend at least 10 minutes in front of my wardrobe while contemplating what kind of outfit am I going for and what concept.

Deciding which to wear
- Not only do I have a difficult time choosing my clothes, I'll always have at least two to choose from and couldn't decide which to go for. "Have I worn this last week?" or "Did I wear this outerwear a bit too much already?" are the questions I frequently ask myself while deciding.

Putting on makeup
- The fun part of my day will definitely be putting on makeup. My dressing table is basically filled with loads of makeup I didn't get to wear all the time (haha). I used to have a lot of time playing around with makeup but lately I couldn't put on much makeup because I don't have time in the morning anymore.

Arranging dishware
- Sometimes I help my mother out at home by arranging her dishware collection. Almost every week we'll be receiving parcels and parcels, all containing dishware for my mother's recent addiction. I don't get why do we need to have a lot of plates in the first place.

Going through the fridge
- The first stop when I step foot in my kitchen is definitely the refrigerator. To be honest, I go through my fridge like an average of 10 times a day. Mostly because I was either bored, hungry or bored + hungry at the same time.

Using the computer
- When my laptop is going through a rough time (being slow or not being able to charge properly), I had to do my work on the computer. In fact, while blogging this I had to use my computer because my laptop died on me halfway. But I also use the computer to play games.

Relaxing on a chair
- Since my cabinet filled with magazines and books about interior design, landscaping and etc are all downstairs, I usually grab one of the magazines/books from the shelf and read it while sitting on my favorite chair.

Reading a book
- But most of my storybooks and novels are all in the cabinet shelf inside my room so I like to sometimes go back to any books/novels that I've read for like the hundredth time and read again.

Playing the Piano
- My hobby at one time was playing the piano. I learned how to play the piano since I was in Primary 4 but had to stop during Form 4 due to SPM. Even though I stopped learning to play the piano, I still play a few songs once in a while when I have some free time due to my father's request.

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