Project 1B: HOW DO YOU SEE? - 3D Formation (Final Model)

10:34 PM

Now that I got the hang of making the model, I did not waste any time and started making the final model straight away. I experimented a little more on different techniques such as subtraction and how I could have made it possible. 

Ms Sin Ai gave me a tip on how to make it so I did make a few errors but in the end I get the subtraction part to look exactly like how I wanted. It was frustrating having to redo so many parts but the final look was worth it.

Before and After look for experimenting the subtraction method
So after that is done, I mass produced the 'diamonds' again but this time smaller sized ones. After that I put together all of them while considering the placement to make it have a certain movement to it. 

The final model 80% done
When the model was almost finished, I then think again like how do I make it more interesting rather than just pasting everything together. So I have decided to make some of them dangle away from the 'colony'. 

And now the final model is finished! I managed to make the model as how I imagined it in the first and I was quite proud of myself for being able to accomplish it. To be honest, I had a lot of doubts about myself as I'm not as talented as my other classmates and I am rather slow in terms of progress but I managed to accomplish this work on time and learned a lot as well. Also I am very thankful to have three lecturers to help guide me throughout the whole assignment.

Final Model
Closer look at the model

[COMPARISON] On the left is my mock-up model and on the right is my Final Model

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