Project 1B: HOW DO YOU SEE? - 2D Abstraction

6:29 PM

For this assignment, we had to first form 4 different ABSTRACT sketches based on our insect's intangible characteristics. For example; Hardworking, Speed and Sweet.

However for my insect, its intangible characteristics differ from the examples given. I first played around with different abstract sketches to describe my insect.

Abstract Design 1
The first abstract design was inspired by their life cycle and mainly the shape of their eggs. Also my insect has the elegance feel when looking at its transparent lace wings.

- Life cycle
- Elegance

First Abstract Design
Abstract Design 2
The second abstract design is mainly inspired by the physical appearance of my insect. Its eyes are the main points and I tried to redraw it in an abstract way by making it swirly (?). Another keyword for this abstract design is hairy.

- Sharp vision
- Hairy

Second Abstract Design
Abstract Design 3
For my third design, whenever I see my insect I think of it as beautiful. To me, another way to describe beautiful is through crystal geodes and gems. That is how I came up with the design for keyword beautiful and of course, I like to describe elegance through a ribbon-like drawing.

- Beautiful
- Elegance

Third Abstract Design
Abstract Design 4
For my last design, I wanted to recreate its famous wings through an abstract way to show the swift movements of the wings. I also tried to draw leaves in an abstract way to show that my insect is actually an insect that guards gardens during the night. 

- Swift movement
- Nature-lover

Fourth Abstract Design
After producing four different abstract designs and showed it to my lecturers, I got a comment that it doesn't really show the characteristics in an abstract way. Therefor I did a combination of a few parts from my previous designs to come up with my final design sketch with different keywords all together. 



The reason why I chose multiply for one of the keywords is because whenever they lay their eggs, it will not only be a few but it can go up to a few hundreds of eggs every time. The green lacewings will also be in a colony when they fly around in the gardens. As for protective, the green lacewings' larvae will hide in the dead bodies of their prey to hide from predators during the broad daylight.

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